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Yao Z.-F., Liu H.-Y., Wang Z.-Y., Zhou Z.-K., Wang J.-Y., Pei J., Improved Transistor Performance by Modulating Molecular Packing with Donor and Acceptor Moieties, Chemistry - An Asian Journal, 2019, 14(10):1686-1691.

Dou J.-H., Yu Z.-A., Zhang J., Zheng Y.-Q., Yao Z.-F., Tu Z., Wang X., Huang S., Liu C., Sun J., Yi Y., Cao X., Gao Y., Wang J.-Y., Pei J., Organic Semiconducting Alloys with Tunable Energy Levels, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2019, 141(16):6561-6568.

Yao Z.-F., Zheng Y.-Q., Li Q.-Y., Lei T., Zhang S., Zou L., Liu H.-Y., Dou J.-H., Lu Y., Wang J.-Y., Gu X., Pei J., Wafer-Scale Fabrication of High-Performance n-Type Polymer Monolayer Transistors Using a Multi-Level Self-Assembly Strategy, Advanced Materials ,2019, 31(7):.

Jin Z., Yao Z.-F., Barker K.P., Pei J., Xia Y., Dinaphthobenzo[1,2:4,5]dicyclobutadiene: Antiaromatic and Orthogonally Tunable Electronics and Packing, Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, 2019, 58(7):2034-2039.

Wang Z.-Y., Wang J.-Y., Pei J., Embedding pyridine units in acceptors to construct donor-acceptor conjugated polymers, Chinese Chemical Letters, 2019, 30(1):25-30.

Li Q.-Y., Lei T., Yao Z.-F., Wang J.-Y., Pei J., Multi-level self-assembly of conjugated polymers, Acta Polymerica Sinica, 2019, 50(1):1-12.

Un H.-I., Gregory S.A., Mohapatra S.K., Xiong M., Longhi E., Lu Y., Rigin S., Jhulki S., Yang C.-Y., Timofeeva T.V., Wang J.-Y., Yee S.K., Barlow S., Marder S.R., Pei J., Understanding the Effects of Molecular Dopant on n-Type Organic Thermoelectric Properties, Advanced Energy Materials, 2019,.

Hu J., Xu K., Shen L., Wu Q., He G., Wang J.-Y., Pei J., Xia J., Sfeir M.Y., New insights into the design of conjugated polymers for intramolecular singlet fission, Nature Communications, 2018, 9(1).

Dai Y.-Z., Dong B.-W., Kao Y., Wang Z.-Y., Un H.-I., Liu Z., Lin Z.-J., Li L., Xie F.-B., Lu Y., Xu M.-X., Lei T., Sun Y.-J., Wang J.-Y., Gao S., Jiang S.-D., Pei J., Chemical Modification toward Long Spin Lifetimes in Organic Conjugated Radicals, ChemPhysChem, 2018, 19(22):2972-2977.

Pei J., Organic Materials: The Future, Asian Journal of Organic Chemistry,2018, 7(11):2129.

Yang C.-Y., Jin W.-L., Wang J., Ding Y.-F., Nong S., Shi K., Lu Y., Dai Y.-Z., Zhuang F.-D., Lei T., Di C.-A., Zhu D., Wang J.-Y., Pei J., Enhancing the n-Type Conductivity and Thermoelectric Performance of Donor–Acceptor Copolymers through Donor Engineering, Advanced Materials,2018,30(43).

Lu R.-Q., Wu S., Bao Y.-H., Yang L.-L., Qu H., Saha M., Wang X.-Y., Zhuo Y.-Z., Xu B., Pei J., Zhang H., Weng W., Cao X.-Y., Cocrystallization of Imide-Fused Corannulene Derivatives and C60: Guest-Induced Conformational Switching and 1:1 Segregated Packing, Chemistry - An Asian Journal,2018,13(19):2934-2938.

Li C., Un H.-I., Peng J., Cai M., Wang X., Wang J., Lan Z., Pei J., Wan X., Thiazoloisoindigo: A Building Block that Merges the Merits of Thienoisoindigo and Diazaisoindigo for Conjugated Polymers, Chemistry - A European Journal,2018,24(39):9702-.

Li C., Un H.-I., Peng J., Cai M., Wang X., Wang J., Lan Z., Pei J., Wan X., Thiazoloisoindigo: A Building Block that Merges the Merits of Thienoisoindigo and Diazaisoindigo for Conjugated Polymers, Chemistry - A European Journal, 2018, 24(39):9807-9811.

Un H.-I., Cheng P., Lei T., Yang C.-Y., Wang J.-Y., Pei J., Charge-Trapping-Induced Non-Ideal Behaviors in Organic Field-Effect Transistors, Advanced Materials, 2018, 30(18).

Sun T., Dou J.-H., Liu S., Wang X., Zheng X., Wang Y., Pei J., Xie Z., Second Near-Infrared Conjugated Polymer Nanoparticles for Photoacoustic Imaging and Photothermal Therapy, ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 2018, 10(9):7919-7926.

Pei J., Lu X.-B., Yu B., Yu Z.-X., Organic Chemistry for the Future, Asian Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2018, 7(3):489.

Yao Z.-F., Wang J.-Y., Pei J., Control of π-π Stacking via Crystal Engineering in Organic Conjugated Small Molecule Crystals, Crystal Growth and Design, 2018, 18(1):7-15.

Zheng Y.-Q., Yao Z.-F., Lei T., Dou J.-H., Yang C.-Y., Zou L., Meng X., Ma W., Wang J.-Y., Pei J., Unraveling the Solution-State Supramolecular Structures of Donor–Acceptor Polymers and their Influence on Solid-State Morphology and Charge-Transport Properties, Advanced Materials, 2017, 29(42).

Shi K., Lu Z.-Y., Yu Z.-D., Liu H.-Y., Zou Y., Yang C.-Y., Dai Y.-Z., Lu Y., Wang J.-Y., Pei J., A Novel Solution-Processable n-Dopant Based on 1,4-Dihydropyridine Motif for High Electrical Conductivity of Organic Semiconductors, Advanced Electronic Materials, 2017, 3(11).

Wu F.-P., Un H.-I., Li Y., Hu H., Yuan Y., Yang B., Xiao K., Chen W., Wang J.-Y., Jiang Z.-Q., Pei J., Liao L.-S., An Imide-Based Pentacyclic Building Block for n-Type Organic Semiconductors, Chemistry - A European Journal, 2017, 23(59):14723-14727.

Talwar D., Maruoka K., Pei J., Kang S.H., Upward Trajectory, Asian Journal of Organic Chemistry ,2017, 6(9):1115-1116.

Ding L., Yang C.-Y., Zheng Y.-Q., Wang J.-Y., Pei J., Su Z., Acenaphtho[1, 2-k]fluoranthene-Fused Diimide Derivatives: An Investigation of the Relationship Between Molecular Structure and Device Performance, Asian Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2017, 6(9):1231-1234.

Zhuang F.-D., Han J.-M., Tang S., Yang J.-H., Chen Q.-R., Wang J.-Y., Pei J., Efficient Modular Synthesis of Substituted Borazaronaphthalene, Organometallics, 2017, 36(14):2479-2482.

Sheng W., Zheng Y.-Q., Wu Q., Wu Y., Yu C., Jiao L., Hao E., Wang J.-Y., Pei J., Synthesis, Properties, and Semiconducting Characteristics of BF 2 Complexes of β,β-Bisphenanthrene-Fused Azadipyrromethenes, Organic Letters, 2017, 19(11):2893-2896.

Wang X., He G., Li Y., Kuang Z., Guo Q., Wang J.-L., Pei J., Xia A., Odd-Even Effect of Thiophene Chain Lengths on Excited State Properties in Oligo(thienyl ethynylene)-Cored Chromophores, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2017, 121(14):7659-7666.

Un H.-I., Zheng Y.-Q., Shi K., Wang J.-Y., Pei J., Air- and Active Hydrogen-Induced Electron Trapping and Operational Instability in n-Type Polymer Field-Effect Transistors, Advanced Functional Materials, 2017, 27(11).

Wang J.-L., Liu K.-K., Liu S., Xiao F., Chang Z.-F., Zheng Y.-Q., Dou J.-H., Zhang R.-B., Wu H.-B., Pei J., Cao Y., Donor End-Capped Hexafluorinated Oligomers for Organic Solar Cells with 9.3% Efficiency by Engineering the Position of π-Bridge and Sequence of Two-Step Annealing, Chemistry of Materials, 2017, 29(3):1036-1046.

Lu Y., Liu Y., Dai Y.-Z., Yang C.-Y., Un H.-I., Liu S.-W., Shi K., Wang J.-Y., Pei J.,5,5′-Diazaisoindigo: an Electron-Deficient Building Block for Donor–Acceptor Conjugated Polymers, Chemistry - An Asian Journal, 2017, 12(3):302-307.

Cao Y., Dou J.-H., Zhao N.-J., Zhang S., Zheng Y.-Q., Zhang J.-P., Wang J.-Y., Pei J., Wang Y., Highly Efficient NIR-II Photothermal Conversion Based on an Organic Conjugated Polymer, Chemistry of Materials, 2017, 29(2):718-725.

Lu Y., Ding Y., Wang J., Pei J., Research progress in isoindigo-based polymer field-effect transistor materials, Chinese Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2016, 36(10):2272-2283.

Ma W., Shi K., Wu Y., Lu Z.-Y., Liu H.-Y., Wang J.-Y., Pei J., Enhanced Molecular Packing of a Conjugated Polymer with High Organic Thermoelectric Power Factor, ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 2016, 8(37):24737-24743.

Zhong Z., Zhao S., Pei J., Wang J., Ying L., Peng J., Cao Y., An Alkane-Soluble Dendrimer as Electron-Transport Layer in Polymer Light-Emitting Diodes,ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 2016, 8(31):20237-20242.

Wang X., Zhao Z., Ai N., Pei J., Liu Y., Wan X., Benzopyrazinoisoindigo or Its Reduced Form? Synthesis, Clarification, and Application in Field-Effect Transistors, European Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2016, (15):2603-2607.

Wang X.-Y., Zhang M.-W., Zhuang F.-D., Wang J.-Y., Pei J., Lactone-fused electron-deficient building blocks for n-type polymer field-effect transistors: Synthesis, properties, and impact of alkyl substitution positions, Polymer Chemistry, 2016, 7(12):2264-2271.

Yang C.-Y., Shi K., Lei T., Wang J., Wang X.-Y., Zhuang F.-D., Wang J.-Y., Pei J., Epindolidione-Based Conjugated Polymers: Synthesis, Electronic Structures, and Charge Transport Properties, ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 2016, 8(6):3714-3718.

Guo Z.-H., Ai N., McBroom C.R., Yuan T., Lin Y.-H., Roders M., Zhu C., Ayzner A.L., Pei J., Fang L., A side-chain engineering approach to solvent-resistant semiconducting polymer thin films, Polymer Chemistry, 2016, 7(3):648-655.

Zhao N., Ai N., Cai M., Wang X., Pei J., Wan X., Thiophene-fused isoindigo based conjugated polymers for ambipolar organic field-effect transistors, Polymer Chemistry, 2016, 7(1):235-243.

Wang J.-Y., Pei J., BN-embedded aromatics for optoelectronic applications, Chinese Chemical Letters, 2016, 27(8):1139-1146.

Zheng Y.-Q., Lei T., Dou J.-H., Xia X., Wang J.-Y., Liu C.-J., Pei J., Strong Electron-Deficient Polymers Lead to High Electron Mobility in Air and Their Morphology-Dependent Transport Behaviors, Advanced Materials, 2016, 7213-7219.

Xie J., Shi K., Cai K., Zhang D., Wang J.-Y., Pei J., Zhao D., A NIR dye with high-performance n-type semiconducting properties, Chemical Science, 2016, 7(1):499-504.

Wang R., Shi K., Cai K., Guo Y., Yang X., Wang J.-Y., Pei J., Zhao D., Syntheses of polycyclic aromatic diimides via intramolecular cyclization of maleic acid derivatives, New Journal of Chemistry, 2016, 40(1):113-121.

Zhong Z., Wang X.-Y., Zhuang F.-D., Ai N., Wang J., Wang J.-Y., Pei J., Peng J., Cao Y., Curved BN-embedded nanographene for application in organic solar cells, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2016, 4(40):15420-15425.

Dai Y.-Z., Ai N., Lu Y., Zheng Y.-Q., Dou J.-H., Shi K., Lei T., Wang J.-Y., Pei J., Embedding electron-deficient nitrogen atoms in polymer backbone towards high performance n-type polymer field-effect transistors, Chemical Science, 2016, 7(9):5753-5757.

Dou J.-H., Zheng Y.-Q., Yao Z.-F., Yu Z.-A., Lei T., Shen X., Luo X.-Y., Sun J., Zhang S.-D., Ding Y.-F., Han G., Yi Y., Wang J.-Y., Pei J., Fine-Tuning of Crystal Packing and Charge Transport Properties of BDOPV Derivatives through Fluorine Substitution, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2015, 137(50):15947-15956.

Dou J.-H., Zheng Y.-Q., Yao Z.-F., Lei T., Shen X., Luo X.-Y., Yu Z.-A., Zhang S.-D., Han G., Wang Z., Yi Y., Wang J.-Y., Pei J., A Cofacially Stacked Electron-Deficient Small Molecule with a High Electron Mobility of over 10 cm 2 V -1 s -1 in Air, Advanced Materials, 2015, 27(48):8051-8055.

Wang X.-Y., Zhuang F.-D., Wang J.-Y., Pei J., Incorporation of polycyclic azaborine compounds into polythiophene-type conjugated polymers for organic field-effect transistors, Chemical Communications, 2015, 51(99):17532-17535.

Zheng Y.-Q., Wang Z., Dou J.-H., Zhang S.-D., Luo X.-Y., Yao Z.-F., Wang J.-Y., Pei J., Effect of Halogenation in Isoindigo-Based Polymers on the Phase Separation and Molecular Orientation of Bulk Heterojunction Solar Cells, Macromolecules, 2015, 48(16):5570-5577.

Zou L., Wang X.-Y., Zhang X.-X., Dai Y.-Z., Wu Y.-D., Wang J.-Y., Pei J., Toward electron-deficient pyrene derivatives: Construction of pyrene tetracarboxylic diimide containing five-membered imide rings, Chemical Communications, 2015, 51(63):12585-12588.

Cao Y., Yuan J.-S., Zhou X., Wang X.-Y., Zhuang F.-D., Wang J.-Y., Pei J., N-Fused BDOPV: A tetralactam derivative as a building block for polymer field-effect transistors, Chemical Communications, 2015, 51(52):10514-10516.

Zheng Y.-Q., Wang J.-Y., Pei J., One-dimensional (1D) micro/nanostructures of organic semiconductors for field-effect transistors, Science China Chemistry, 2015, 58(6):937-946.

Shi K., Zhang F., Di C.-A., Yan T.-W., Zou Y., Zhou X., Zhu D., Wang J.-Y., Pei J., Toward High Performance n-Type Thermoelectric Materials by Rational Modification of BDPPV Backbones, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2015, 137(22):6979-6982.

Wang X.-Y., Yang D.-C., Zhuang F.-D., Liu J.-J., Wang J.-Y., Pei J., Postfunctionalization of BN-embedded polycyclic aromatic compounds for fine-tuning of their molecular properties, Chemistry - A European Journal, 2015, 21(24):8867-8873.

Hu D., Liu Q., Tisdale J., Lei T., Pei J., Wang H., Urbas A., Hu B., Seebeck effects in n-type and p-type polymers driven simultaneously by surface polarization and entropy differences based on conductor/polymer/conductor thin-film devices, ACS Nano, 2015, 9(5):5208-5213.

Dong T., Zhou Y., Hu D., Xiao P., Wang Q., Wang J., Pei J., Cao Y., Free-standing, flexible, multifunctional, and environmentally stable superhydrophobic composite film made of self-assembled organic micro/super-nanostructures through solution process, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2015, 445:213-218.

Zhang C., Shi K., Cai K., Xie J., Lei T., Yan Q., Wang J.-Y., Pei J., Zhao D., Cyano- and chloro-substituted coronene diimides as solution-processable electron-transporting semiconductors, Chemical Communications, 2015, 51(33):7144-7147.

Wang X.-Y., Zhuang F.-D., Wang X.-C., Cao X.-Y., Wang J.-Y., Pei J., Synthesis, structure and properties of C3-symmetric heterosuperbenzene with three BN units, Chemical Communications, 2015, 51(21):4368-4371.

Zhou X., Ai N., Guo Z.-H., Zhuang F.-D., Jiang Y.-S., Wang J.-Y., Pei J., Balanced ambipolar organic thin-film transistors operated under ambient conditions: Role of the donor moiety in BDOPV-based conjugated copolymers, Chemistry of Materials, 2015, 27(5):1815-1820.

Wang X.-Y., Wang J.-Y., Pei J., BN heterosuperbenzenes: Synthesis and properties, Chemistry - A European Journal, 2015, 21(9):3528-3539.

Lu R.-Q., Zhou Y.-N., Yan X.-Y., Shi K., Zheng Y.-Q., Luo M., Wang X.-C., Pei J., Xia H., Zoppi L., Baldridge K.K., Siegel J.S., Cao X.-Y., Thiophene-fused bowl-shaped polycyclic aromatics with a dibenzo[a,g]corannulene core for organic field-effect transistors, Chemical Communications, 2015, 51(9):1681-1684.

Shi K., Wang J.-Y., Pei J., π-Conjugated aromatics based on truxene: Synthesis, self-assembly, and applications, Chemical Record, 2015, 15(1):52-78.

Ding L., Yang C., Su Z., Pei J., Synthesis, crystal structure, and application of an acenaphtho[1,2-k] fluoranthene diimide derivative, Science China Chemistry, 2015, 58(2):364-369.

Xu S., Ai N., Zheng J., Zhao N., Lan Z., Wen L., Wang X., Pei J., Wan X., Extended isoindigo core: Synthesis and applications as solution-processable n-OFET materials in ambient conditions, RSC Advances, 2015, 5(11):8340-8344.

Lu R.-Q., Zheng Y.-Q., Zhou Y.-N., Yan X.-Y., Lei T., Shi K., Zhou Y., Pei J., Zoppi L., Baldridge K.K., Siegel J.S., Cao X.-Y., Corannulene derivatives as non-fullerene acceptors in solution-processed bulk heterojunction solar cells, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2014, 2(48):20515-20519.

Dou J.-H., Zheng Y.-Q., Lei T., Zhang S.-D., Wang Z., Zhang W.-B., Wang J.-Y., Pei J., Systematic investigation of side-chain branching position effect on electron carrier mobility in conjugated polymers, Advanced Functional Materials,2014,24(40):6270-6278.

Wang X.-Y., Zhuang F.-D., Zhou X., Yang D.-C., Wang J.-Y., Pei J., Influence of alkyl chain length on the solid-state properties and transistor performance of BN-substituted tetrathienonaphthalenes, Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2014, 2(38):8152-8161.

Cao Y., Guo Z.-H., Chen Z.-Y., Yuan J.-S., Dou J.-H., Zheng Y.-Q., Wang J.-Y., Pei J., Pentacyclic aromatic bislactam-based conjugated polymers: Constructed by Beckmann rearrangement and application in organic field-effect transistor, Polymer Chemistry, 2014, 5(18):5369-5374.

Xia X., Lei T., Pei J., Liu C., Research progress in donor-acceptor copolymers field-effect transistors, Chinese Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2014, 34(9):1905-1915.

Li H., Wang X.-Y., Wei B., Xu L., Zhang W.-X., Pei J., Xi Z., Intramolecular C-F and C-H bond cleavage promoted by butadienyl heavy Grignard reagents, Nature Communications, 2014, 5.

Guo Z.-H., Jin Z.-X., Wang J.-Y., Pei J.,A donor-acceptor-donor conjugated molecule: Twist intramolecular charge transfer and piezochromic luminescent properties, Chemical Communications, 2014, 50(46):6088-6090.

Xu M., Han J.-M., Wang C., Yang X., Pei J., Zang L., Fluorescence ratiometric sensor for trace vapor detection of hydrogen peroxide, ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 2014, 6(11):8708-8714.

Wang J., Jiang Z., Zhong Z., Xue S., Zhou Y., Meng Y., Hu Z., Ai N., Wang J., Wang L., Peng J., Ma Y., Pei J., Cao Y., Highly efficient, solution processed electrofluorescent small molecule white organic light-emitting diodes with a hybrid electron injection layer, ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 2014, 6(11):8345-8352.

Lei T., Wang J.-Y., Pei J., Design, synthesis, and structure-property relationships of isoindigo-based conjugated polymers, Accounts of Chemical Research, 2014, 47(4):1117-1126.

Wang X.-Y., Zhuang F.-D., Wang R.-B., Wang X.-C., Cao X.-Y., Wang J.-Y., Pei J., A straightforward strategy toward large BN-embedded π-systems: Synthesis, structure, and optoelectronic properties of extended BN heterosuperbenzenes, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2014, 136(10):3764-3767.

Zheng Y.-Q., Dai Y.-Z., Zhou Y., Wang J.-Y., Pei J., Rational molecular engineering towards efficient non-fullerene small molecule acceptors for inverted bulk heterojunction organic solar cells, Chemical Communications, 2014, 50(13):1591-1594.

Lei T., Xia X., Wang J.-Y., Liu C.-J., Pei J., "Conformation Locked" Strong Electron-Deficient Poly(p -Phenylene Vinylene) Derivatives for Ambient-Stable n-Type Field-Effect Transistors: Synthesis, Properties, and Effects of Fluorine Substitution Position, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2014, 136(5):2135-2141.

Cao Y., Wang X.-Y., Wang J.-Y., Pei J., Iron(III) chloride promoted cyclization: A facile approach to polycyclic aromatics for functional materials, Synlett, 2014, 25(3):313-323.

Lei T., Wang J.-Y., Pei J., Roles of flexible chains in organic semiconducting materials, Chemistry of Materials, 2014, 26(1):594-603.

Lei T., Wang J.-Y., Pei J., Organic structure design and applications in solution-processed organic micro- and nanomaterial, Organic Structure Design: Applications in Optical and Electronic Devices, 2014, 33-94.

Liu Q., Li C., Jiang K., Song Y., Pei J., A high-efficiency solid-state dye-sensitized solar cell with P3HT polymer as a hole conductor and an assistant sensitizer, Particuology, 2014, 15:71-76.

Shi K., Lei T., Wang X.-Y., Wang J.-Y., Pei J., A bowl-shaped molecule for organic field-effect transistors: Crystal engineering and charge transport switching by oxygen doping, Chemical Science, 2014, 5(3):1041-1045.

Zhou X., Cao Y., Wang X.-Y., Guo Z.-H., Wang J.-Y., Pei J., Tuning the charge-transport property of pyromellitic diimide-based conjugated polymers towards efficient field-effect transistors, Asian Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2014, 3(2):209-215.

Knopfmacher O., Hammock M.L., Appleton A.L., Schwartz G., Mei J., Lei T., Pei J., Bao Z., Highly stable organic polymer field-effect transistor sensor for selective detection in the marine environment, Nature communications, 2014,5:2954.

Lu R.-Q., Xuan W., Zheng Y.-Q., Zhou Y.-N., Yan X.-Y., Dou J.-H., Chen R., Pei J., Weng W., Cao X.-Y., A corannulene-based donor-acceptor polymer for organic field-effect transistors, RSC Advances, 2014, 4(100):56749-56755.

Lei T., Dou J.-H., Cao X.-Y., Wang J.-Y., Pei J., A BDOPV-based donor-acceptor polymer for high-performance n-type and oxygen-doped ambipolar field-effect transistors, Advanced Materials, 2013, 25(45):6589-6593.

Yan Q., Zhou Y., Zheng Y.-Q., Pei J., Zhao D., Towards rational design of organic electron acceptors for photovoltaics: A study based on perylenediimide derivatives, Chemical Science, 2013, 4(12):4389-4394.

Cao Y., Lei T., Yuan J., Wang J.-Y., Pei J., Dithiazolyl-benzothiadiazole-containing polymer acceptors: Synthesis, characterization, and all-polymer solar cells, Polymer Chemistry, 2013, 4(20):5228-5236.

Zhang X., Ji D., Lei T., Zhao B., Song K., Hu W., Wang J.-Y., Pei J., Wang Y., Integration of antireflection and light diffraction in nature: A strategy for light trapping, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2013, 1(36):10607-10611.

Kang H., Zheng Y.-Q., Jiang W., Xiao C., Wang J.-Y., Pei J., Wang Z.,All-polymer solar cells based on PTACs/P3HT blends with large open-circuit voltage, Dyes and Pigments, 2013, 99(3):1065-1071.

Zou L., Wang X.-Y., Shi K., Wang J.-Y., Pei J., Fusion at the non-K-region of pyrene: An alternative strategy to extend the π-conjugated plane of pyrene, Organic Letters, 2013, 15(17):4378-4381.

Lei T., Dou J.-H., Cao X.-Y., Wang J.-Y., Pei J., Electron-Deficient Poly(p-phenylene vinylene) Provides Electron Mobility over 1 cm2 V-1 s-1 under Ambient Conditions, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2013, 135(33):12168-12171.

Guo Z.-H., Lei T., Jin Z.-X., Wang J.-Y., Pei J., T-shaped donor-acceptor molecules for low-loss red-emission optical waveguide, Organic Letters, 2013, 15(14):3530-3533.

Zhou Y., Dai Y.-Z., Zheng Y.-Q., Wang X.-Y., Wang J.-Y., Pei J.,Non-fullerene acceptors containing fluoranthene-fused imides for solution-processed inverted organic solar cells, Chemical Communications, 2013, 49(51):5802-5804.

Mahmood K., Liu Z.-P., Li C., Lu Z., Fang T., Liu X., Zhou J., Lei T., Pei J., Bo Z., Novel isoindigo-based conjugated polymers for solar cells and field effect transistors, Polymer Chemistry, 2013, 4(12):3563-3574.

Zhou Y., Yan Q., Zheng Y.-Q., Wang J.-Y., Zhao D., Pei J., New polymer acceptors for organic solar cells: The effect of regio-regularity and device configuration, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2013, 1(22):6609-6613.

Ma Z., Lei T., Pei J., Liu C., Blue host materials for phosphorescent organic light-emitting diodes, Progress in Chemistry, 2013, 25(6):961-974.

Du B., Wang L., Yuan S.-C., Lei T., Pei J., Cao Y., Indeno[2,1-c]fluorene-based blue fluorescent oligomers and polymers: Synthesis, structure, photophysical and electroluminescence properties, Polymer, 2013, 54(12):2935-2944.

Lei T., Dou J.-H., Ma Z.-J., Liu C.-J., Wang J.-Y., Pei J., Chlorination as a useful method to modulate conjugated polymers: Balanced and ambient-stable ambipolar high-performance field-effect transistors and inverters based on chlorinated isoindigo polymers, Chemical Science, 2013, 4(6):2447-2452.

Zhang Z., Lei T., Yan Q., Pei J., Zhao D., Electron-transporting PAHs with dual perylenediimides: Syntheses and semiconductive characterizations, Chemical Communications, 2013, 49(28):2882-2884.

Ai N., Zhou Y., Zheng Y., Chen H., Wang J., Pei J., Cao Y., Achieving high sensitivity in single organic submicrometer ribbon based photodetector through surface engineering, Organic Electronics: physics, materials, applications, 2013, 14(4):1103-1108.

Wang X.-Y., Lin H.-R., Lei T., Yang D.-C., Zhuang F.-D., Wang J.-Y., Yuan S.-C., Pei J., Azaborine compounds for organic field-effect transistors: Efficient synthesis, remarkable stability, and BN dipole interactions, Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, 2013, 52(11):3117-3120.

Han J.-M., Zhang Y.-H., Wang X.-Y., Liu C.-J., Wang J.-Y., Pei J., Main-chain linear polyrotaxanes: Synthesis, characterization, and conformational modulation, Chemistry - A European Journal, 2013, 19(4):1502-1510.

Yu W., Wang X.-Y., Li J., Li Z.-T., Yan Y.-K., Wang W., Pei J., A photoconductive charge-transfer crystal with mixed-stacking donor-acceptor heterojunctions within the lattice, Chemical Communications, 2013,49(1):54-56.

Lei T., Dou J.-H., Pei J., Influence of alkyl chain branching positions on the hole mobilities of polymer thin-film transistors, Advanced Materials, 2012, 24(48):6457-6461.

Lei T., Dou J.-H., Ma Z.-J., Yao C.-H., Liu C.-J., Wang J.-Y., Pei J., Ambipolar polymer field-effect transistors based on fluorinated isoindigo: High performance and improved ambient stability, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2012, 134(49):20025-20028.

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Zhao L., Zhou Z.-L., Guo Z., Gibson G., Brug J.A., Lam S., Pei J., Mao S.S., Development of semi-interpenetrating polymer networks and quantum dots-polymer nanocomposites for low-cost, flexible OLED display application, Journal of Materials Research, 2012, 27(4):639-652.

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Wang J.-L., Chan Y.-T., Moorefield C.N., Pei J., Modarelli D.A., Romano N.C., Newkome G.R., Shape-persistent, truxene-based, nano-sized bisterpyridine ruthenium(ii) complexes: Synthesis and photophysical propertiesa, Macromolecular Rapid Communications,2010,31:850-855.

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